Friday, October 26, 2012

New Discovery: Farinata

What is this stuff?

Since I'm attempting to cut back on  carbs, I've been on the lookout for alternatives to gluten free bread. While browsing through the clearance section of Fresh & Easy, I discovered this package for $1.99.  I had know idea what this Lucini stuff was but with 9 grams of protein- I had to check it out.

It's chickpea flour that bakes into a flaky, creamy texture.

The prep is really easy and just requires water and olive oil. I added in salt and garlic powder for a kick. Since I cook for one, I divide the package in half and cut down on the water.

It bakes at 500 degrees for around 15 mins and bakes into a golden flaky crust with a creamy consistency. The taste of the creaminess reminds me of what I remember eggs to taste like.

Once cooled, I cut the farinata into squares and use it as a layer for avocado, salsa, and potatoes. Makes a great weekend breakfast.

The Details:
 - Prepare Farinata according to package instructions. 

 - As mentioned, use less water and monitor cooking time if not using the entire package.
  - Cube 2 previously baked Yukon potatoes. (Or, pop in microwave using your baked potato setting. Just make sure they cool completely before attempting to cut.Add potatoes to pan of sauteed diced onions in olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, and paprika

Slice half an alvacado and 1 branch of fresh basil leaves.
-  Top with 1 teaspoon of  salsa. I use Santa Barbara Salsa in Medium.  


I must note that when I returned to Fresh & Easy, I was informed that the Lucini Chickpea Mix was discontinued! The NERVE! Since all you really need is chickpea flour to make farinata, I purchased this Bob's Red Mill Garbanzo Bean Flour instead (Btw, Chickpeas and Garbanzo are the same thing.)  I plan to use the cooking instructions from the Lucini.

Total estimated cost of meal: $1.00 per person.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Vegan Story: Why?

I did a video about being a vegan and why I choose this lifestyle. Take a look.....

Questions? Be sure to ask in the comments and I'll do a follow up video!

Monday, October 22, 2012

*Gluten Free Eats: The Difficulty of Breakfast

Breakfast is Served.

Contemplating what to eat each morning is a very difficult decision. I quickly tire of the limited options I have available to me and since my last meal was over 12 hours ago- the last thing I want is a bunch of prep work. The solution? Cereal. 

$3.99 at Fresh & Easy

 Besides Chex  (I Hate Chex), the likely hood of finding a gluten free cereal at my local grocery store is not likely. And once I do, it taste like cardboard. Once I add in my sliced bananas, raisins and a pour of coconut milk, Enjoy Life's Crunchy Flax is tasty. Admittedly, a little cardboard- y but palatable. It stays crunchy till the last spoonful but not crunchy enough to crack my teeth.

I know those nuggets look hard as rocks- they aren't!

During the summer months, my main stay was a slice of g-free bread with a spread of almond butter and a glass of coconut milk. Two hours later I was famished. Since this contains 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, I have to remind myself to eat lunch. No more angry stomach!

*If you noticed, I did not title this post "Vegan Eats". Although this cereal is gluten free, it does contain honey. The nutritional benefits, cost, and availability of this cereal out way the minuscule amount of honey it contains.  This does not make me any less of a vegan.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vegan Eats: Roasted Baby Potatoes & Crimini Mushrooms with Lemon Vinaigrette Arugula

This is a great meal to cook when you really don't feel like cooking. The prep time is minimal and it cooks in less than 30 mins. Plus, it looks pretty!

The Details:
1 bag of baby potatoes, Fresh & Easy $2.99
1carton of sliced crimini mushrooms, Fresh & Easy $2.99
 Bag of lemons (4), Fresh & Easy, $2.99 (?)
1 bag of arugula, Trader Joe's $2.29
Pantry Staples: Kosher salt, black pepper, extra virgin olive oil, dried rosemary, apple cider vinegar

This is not a "recipe" that needs to be followed exactly to yield tasty results. Adjust accordingly to servings. This prep is for 4 servings.

- Preheat oven to 325 F

- Toss half of the bag of potatoes and half the carton of mushrooms in bowl with salt, pepper, dried rosemary, and olive oil. Just enough to evenly coat the veggies.

-Place on top rack of oven, uncovered, for around 30 mins depending on your oven's settings. I have an electric that burns everything. You may need to roast the veggies for less time. Please note that Mushrooms cook faster than potatoes.  Potatoes are done when you can easily stick a fork in them.

- Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and half a lemon with a sprinkle of  kosher salt and black pepper. Whisk in extra virgin olive oil.  Adjust seasonings according to your taste.

- Rinse half of the bagged  arugula to refresh. Pour half in a bowl. Lightly drizzle vinaigrette mixture over arugula.

- If you have not already done so, remove veggies from oven. Let chill for about 5 mins before moving to serving platter.

- Place arugula on platter and top with  roasted veggies.


Estimated cost of meal: $5.00 for 2 hungry people or 4 picky eaters.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What's in my Pantry?

 My go-to grain is quinoa. It's great as a substitute for oatmeal in the morning and for rice in the evening. Since it does have a bland flavor, I substitute veggie stock for water. I am also not a big fan of brown rice (it takes forever to cook!) so my favorite rice varieties are black, wild, and basmati. All are high in protein!

I keep beans and tomatoes stocked. I love to cook a dish of cannellini beans with mushrooms, tomatoes and basil in a balsamic sauce. Tasty!

I season just about everything with kosher salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and olive oil.

 So! That's whats in my pantry!